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Umbrella in Wine Bottle ISABRELLA - Lovers umbrell

一口價: 28.00 MOP    
商品狀態: 全新 付款方式: 銀行
存貨: 99 送貨方式:  快遞
瀏覽次數:  4286    


Umbrella in Wine Bottle ISABRELLA - Lovers umbrella
It is not only a pretty bottle but a pretty unbrella.when you open the top of the bottle and pull it out.

It is also a kind of unique bottle. you could not only put the umbrella inside, but also you could pull the rope out and hang it as a excellent orna-ment.

The bottle also a watertight one, even as you put the wet unbrella iside.

It is a nice choice as well when you present it as a interesting gift.
Please contact me for availability before place your bid.

DIY :   all of the colors in the market are available,  and you could design your logo for your  promotion gifts.

For more details with prices, pictures, please contact us, thank you.

   1#【terry】:Could you provide more picture??
2009-10-19 12:28:48  
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