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Lipo 6X 燃脂肪 240 CAPS

一口價: 799.00 MOP    
商品狀態: 全新 付款方式: 其他
存貨: 99 送貨方式:  其他
瀏覽次數:  4628    


LIPO-6X is the world's most advanced fat burner using a new and superior liquid 24-hour MULTI-PHASETM technology. This unique MULTI-PHASETM technology combines rapid liquid capsule delivery with controlled-release inside capsule technology. What this means is that LIPO-6X is the only fat burner that has multiple release phases, both fast and extended lasting a full 24 hours:

Phase #1

The outer liquid capsule of LIPO-6X ensures a rapid and almost instant uptake of its appetite-suppressing, fat-burning and energy-promoting ingredients. Within minutes of taking LIPO-6X you will feel it working for you.

Phase #2 Controlled and

MultiPhaseCapsUnlike standard fat-burning formulas, whose effects come and go quickly, LIPO-6X continues to work for you over an extended period of time. By selectively putting some of the ingredients in the form of pellets into a separate capsule, that sits inside the liquid capsule, the absorption rate can now be controlled. This greatly extends the amount of time these ingredients are active, which means that LIPO-6X continues to work for many hours allowing you to consistently lose weight around the clock.


VcapsLIPO-6X is the first and only fat burner that offers speed and duration. A quick and rapid onset of its fat-burning effects, combined with a controlled and extended release, will ensure maximum results day and night. No other fat burner gives you the same 24-hour multi-phase benefits as you get with LIPO-6X. Now utilizing all natural vegetable capsules.

LIPO-6X is for the serious athlete only who wants to get the ultimate shredded look. Because of its extreme potency, caution is advised.

Detailed Facts About LIPO-6X

Craig Pratt lost 37 lbsLIPO-6X is nothing less than revolutionary and will flat-out rock the fat loss world. This unique multi-phase fat burner guarantees that you will get shredded beyond your wildest dreams. When we look at the ingredients in LIPO-6X we will truly understand why this fat burner is undeniably the undisputed "King of all Hardcore Fat Burners". Aside from the unique multi-phase delivery system LIPO-6X utilizes only ingredients of pharmaceutical nature and is devoid of any herbal compounds. Herbal compounds, as found in most other fat burners, are inferior and can not efficiently be absorbed by the human body. With its pure pharmaceutical components LIPO-6X allows for a consistent and predictable fat-loss effect. This is what you will find in each powerful serving of LIPO-6X.

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