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 PNM Ltd,澳門健力士健美營養
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一口價: 499.00 MOP    
商品狀態: 全新 付款方式: 其他
存貨: 20 送貨方式:  其他
瀏覽次數:  4450    




IntraVol is The World’s Most Advanced Intra-Workout Muscle Growth Amplifier. Not only is new IntraVol backed by one of the most groundbreaking gold-standard clinical studies ever documented, it’s the first musclebuilding formula engineered by Team MuscleTech™ that’s designed to be taken during your workout. Formulated with a mind-boggling 60,000 mg per dose, 5 cutting-edge matrices as well as OsmoSig™ – the world’s first osmo-sensing nutrient transport technology – IntraVol is scientifically engineered to accelerate the activation of hyper-hydrated muscular pumps, intracellular protein synthesis and glycogen reloading during your workout. By taking IntraVol while you train, you’ll achieve unbelievable gains in muscle size and strength fast!

Scientifically formulated with a precise ratio of high-molecular weight glycogen replenishing polymers, branched chain and essential amino acid compounds, key electrolytes, as well as creatine, IntraVol is engineered to trigger osmo-sensing bioregulators to maximize anabolic nutrient uptake directly into the muscle cells being trained. Ingredients work synergistically to create an "ultra-volumized," skin-stretching growth state during your workout for maximum in-gym performance and accelerated anabolic hormonal response. IntraVol is also powered by OsmoSig™ Technology, which functions as an osmo-sensing nutrient transport technology that works with other key ingredients in the formula to support rapid nutrient delivery and uptake.

IntraVol™ is designed to be sipped during short periods of rest between hardcore weight-training sets. Mix 2 servings (2 scoops) of IntraVol™ with 23 oz. of cold water before your daily weight-lifting session. Each sip should be about 1 oz. to allow the formula to last the entire duration of your workout and to provide key anabolic/anti-catabolic substrates for maximum musclebuilding effects. IntraVol™ only needs to be taken on training days.
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